Fundraising in a post-COVID world

As you travel a new post-COVID path, where are you starting from? Where are you at? 

While at the Individual Giving Summit in June, I listened to a brilliant presentation by Shoni Field, CDO at the BCSPCA. There were so many great moments but I really liked her descriptors of where organizations are at through COVID...where do you see your organization?  

Fear zone - pessimistic, this will destroy our organization; people are not donating; we are not equipped for this

Learning zone - neutral, asking many questions, people just might help us if we try, let’s invest in some new ways to fundraise, we will learn new ways

Growth zone - optimistic, this is just the push our team needed, we will connect with our supporters now (and always), let’s diversify our revenue and the best, our team will be stronger

Think about where you are at...share in the comments some ideas that see organizations getting from zone to another or better yet, how your organization has grown through the pandemic. 

#learnfromeachother #community #strongertogether #magichappens

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